Incorporating Investor Feedback into Your Business Plan and Is It Necessary To Have a Business Plan
Released on: March 29, 2008, 12:21 am
Press Release Author: For More Free Resources visit
Industry: Management
Press Release Summary: Investors, like the rest of us, have different tastes. One investor may love a concept and/or business plan while the next may hate both. It is important to understand this as business plans are working documents and are always undergoing iterations.
Press Release Body: Investors, like the rest of us, have different tastes. One investor may love a concept and/or business plan while the next may hate both. It is important to understand this as business plans are working documents and are always undergoing iterations.
Management teams must not rush to incorporate each potential investor's comments. Instead, have several investors, partners and other business colleagues review the plan and provide feedback. Then incorporate common concerns and probe other comments to determine if they are valid.
Always try to understand the rationale behind an investor's comments. For instance, an investor may poke holes in a business plan if it doesn't have enough funds to fully fund the opportunity. In this case, the investor's criticism is solely for them to save face.
However, if you are hearing the same feedback from multiple investors, it is probably valid. In such cases, be humble. Tell investors that you appreciate their feedback and modify your strategy and plan appropriately. You may then be able to re-approach these investors with great success.
Many investors have significant operating and investing experience and can quickly and expertly find potential flaws in a business plan. Seek out investors who have such experience, and be open to their suggestions. Just don't take one point of feedback and blindly follow their advice. It is also important to note that even the most successful and largest public companies have Boards that provide similar feedback and advice, so don't take criticism and feedback as a sign that something is wrong with your venture. Rather, use it as a launching pad for an even stronger business. Is It Necessary To Have a Business Plan?
Are you planning to start a new business? Or are you considering expanding your current business and require a bank loan or investment from outsiders?
If you are going to look for an investment of capital it is quite likely that you will be required to have a business plan. If you are starting a business, despite the work involved, a business plan can prepare you for the obstacles ahead and help ensure your success.
A business plan is something that many small businesses fail to create, however, many business owners are adamant that having a written business plan is one of the keys to their present success. Creating a business plan forces you to contemplate possible obstacles to your business and prepares you to find solutions that will help you to overcome them.
To find investors or get a bank loan, they will want to see that you have the experience or resources to run the business. They will want to see your projected income as well as your suggested repayment plan already laid out. Taking the time to do this is not only important for them, but it gives you a measuring tool to verify if your business is growing properly. You can gage your success on how close to the plan your business has actually performed. Perhaps you\'ll do worse, or perhaps you\'ll do better, either way it helps you determine how well your business is getting on.
If you have never seen a business plan before you may be concerned that is too difficult a proposition for you to manage on your own.
While there are services available where you can hire someone to write a business plan for you, depending on your needs it may be wise to familiarize yourself with a business plan\'s layout. This will not only help you to provide the necessary information, but may encourage you to try your own hand at it.
There\'s a free tool at which will assist you in creating a business plan. Some of the topics you will be required to explain are your Market, Customer, Competition, Marketing Plan, and Research & Development along with financial forecasts. You may consider hiring someone to help you with your financial sheets after completing the written part of the Business Plan.
Your Business Plan will become your guide and silent business partner - indicating where you need to improve and helping you stay one step ahead of your competition. Make it a priority to have this crucial road map for your business.
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